Our Pump foothold in the international market quality
Due to the policy of the Government to revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry, market demand, the industry invested enhancement factors, the pump yield in China continued to grow. The water pump is a low-margin products, the market is very competitive. At present, China's pump industry is a labor-intensive industry, pump industry in China is mainly to expand the amount. The international water pumps on the market flow pump products from China more and more, but the voice of the international pump market is not in the hands of Chinese enterprises. The safety valve stainless steel high temperature and high pressure safety valve air compressor safety valve safety valve spring-loaded safety clean Sanitary safety valve
According to the data show that the first quarter of 2012, our pump output reached 1.395 million tons, a year-on-year growth of 19.59%. In the first half of 2012, the the national pump output reached 3.3027 million tons, a year-on-year growth of 15.45%. In June, our production pumps 641,900 tons, a year-on-year growth of 7.42%.
The water pump is a low-margin products, the market is very competitive. At present, China's pump industry is a labor-intensive industry, pump industry in China is mainly to expand the amount. The international water pumps on the market flow pump products from China more and more, but the voice of the international pump market is not in the hands of Chinese enterprises. It is understood that the pumps enterprises of a certain size on the market more than 2,000, most are located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and the Central Plains area. Requirements are relatively low technological content of products, therefore, more competitive.
Thelackofprofessionalshas become abottleneckrestrictingthefurtherdevelopmentofChina's pump industry.To solve this problem, it is necessary tostrengthentheexisting staffofthecorporateshort-term training,in order toimprovethehuman resource situation.At the same time,theintroductionofhigh-qualityindustry talentthrough a variety ofchannelstoenhancetheintellectual capitalofChina'spump industryfactors. Pump industryinChinain order to havea long-termdevelopment,theneedtoadjust and optimize theindustrial structure,it is necessary tocontinuetogive full play totheadvantagesoftraditionalpump industry,but alsovigorously develop theknowledge andtechnology-intensive industriesandemerging industries,topromotetheupgradeofthepump industry.The only way toshortenthegapbetween theChinesepump industryand developed countriesassoonaspossible.